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Poison Oak

The continuation of my fight with poison oak! Round 2...

By the way, if you haven't had poison oak, it itches, and you have to refrain from shredding your skin on a minute by minute basis.

Such a lovely shade of red don't you think? See the black poison oak blister? That was blood filled but healed just fine like the rest.

poison oak hand

These were taken on December 10th.  Those lovely poison oak blisters still need to be popped.

poison oak blisters

Some skin pealed and healing.

dry poison oak


poison oak rash

As you can see it has mostly healed and the new skin (pink) is showing. Now you wouldn't be able to tell if you see my hand.

Everyone keeps asking how long. This last picture was taken on the 15th. I believe we went to get the tree on about November 27th, with the first signs of the poison oak blisters on the 3rd with the outbreak showing on the 5th. So not taking any steroids or other medications it took about 2 weeks to heal from the start.

Just remember to use the Technu in the beginning and take care of it during its course.

Click here to go the the first page of my poison oak story.

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February 20, 2011