These lovely pictures are the result of coming in contact with
poison oak in the fall. I was cutting down a Christmas tree at a tree farm
and my hand must have been rubbing a poison oak plant the whole time.
I remember feeling something on my face and seeing mud on the
palms of my hands I used the back of my hand to brush whatever it was off of
my face.... needless to say I had some blisters on the side of my nose, my
cheek and my forehead including my eyelid.
So these pictures are from a week after figuring out that those
3 spots were probably poison oak... The se first few where taken on
December 6th.

Not too pretty to look at.
Now with some of the
healing 2 days later and then the following day looking worse...
Poison oak blisters are just gross!

Pay attention to the fingers on the pictures, they have just a few blisters
to begin with and while the back of my hand was healing.........

The following day the blisters start showing up all over my fingers.

And yes that one on my third finger is a huge ugly blister begging to be
I have been using a spray from herbalife that has vitamin C in
it on the back of my hand which seemed to bring down the swelling right

The next day peeling off the dried up skin.

More about my poison oak fight follow here.
PAGE 2 of poison oak pictures
don't let it get so bad that you will need a
cremation urn!